A Warm Welcome

Come join us in sunny Florida.

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Meet Our Keynote

Frances Dunn Butterfoss"Fran Butterfoss and her team have the rare blend of insights as both researchers and practitioners that make consultation and training from Coalitions Work invaluable. While many consultants can cite theory, Dr. Butterfoss actually conducted much of the seminal research in coalition and community empowerment and applies it in practice—making her one of the most highly sought consultants today."
- M. Elaine Auld, MPH, CHES, CEO, Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)

Presenters' Guidelines

We are pleased that you will be presenting your work at the 23rd Annual Conference! At this time, we would like to share some logistical information that we believe will enhance your conference experience. Please review the items below, and feel free to contact us if you need additional information or clarification.

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Before You Arrive

Please review this site for information about hotel, travel, conference registration, and general updates:

Conference Registration: Read more about conference registration and payment information here. Call Marty Kledzik if you have further questions about registration (See Contacts).

Hotel Registration: Secure your lodging at the Hyatt Regency Tampa early, as our room block will fill up quickly. Block rates apply until Feb. 5, 2010.

Upon Arrival

Tour the Conference Space: Because the conference is at a new hotel this year, plan to arrive early enough to familiarize yourself with the conference space. The conference will be held on the 2nd floor of the Hyatt Regency Tampa. Locate your presentation room and other areas of interest.

Information Desk: Please stop by the Information Desk so we can advise you of any lastminute changes to the agenda and to direct you to the Registration and Presenter Sign-In desks. Throughout the conference, Information Desk staff serve to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Registration Desk: Registration will open Sunday and continue through Tuesday. Upon arrival, please check in at the Registration Desk so we can be sure that you are on site. At that time you will also receive a name badge, the conference agenda, and other conference materials.

Presenter Sign-In Desk: If you have a slideshow for your presentation, please stop by this desk so we can pre-load your presentation for use in the computer assigned to your session room (see Audio Visual Information). At this time we will also secure your permission to post any handouts you may have on our website after the conference has concluded.

On the Day of Your Presentation(s)

Meet your Session Facilitator and Locate Time-keeping Signs: Arrive early to your session to introduce yourself to our session facilitator, who will know what to do if you have audio visual or other difficulties or requests. We will have time cards at the front of the room for your time-keeping use; typically we ask that the chair of a symposium select a time-keeper from his or her group. Otherwise, when individual papers are given during a session, you may request that the facilitator keep time.

Preparing your Presentation – Helpful Hints

Focus on Your Findings: We find that the most successful presentations cover new ground, focus on recent research findings, provide clear descriptions of methodology, and succinctly discuss the work’s contributions to the well-being of children, families, and communities.

Note: Our policy is to use person-first language in all written and oral conference materials. We appreciate your adherence to this policy. Contact Catherine Newman with any questions.

Consider Bringing Handouts: Although handouts may be posted on the conference website later, we find that some participants prefer on-the-spot handouts as an information source and for notetaking. If you provide handouts, please consider headers that include the title of your presentation and an author or presenter who can be reached for more information. In our experience we find that 50 – 75 copies are adequate. Please bring them with you or mail them to yourself at your hotel. The conference staff are not able to make copies for you. However, the Hyatt Regency has a business center available for your copying and printing needs.

Create Visual Aids that Help: Make sure that text on your slideshow is large enough to read easily from the back of the room. Each of your slides should contain just a few concise items that highlight your main points or findings. If a complex table or graphic is necessary to convey your information, consider providing a handout. Please see textbox for our Standard Audio Visual set up.

Have a Game Plan: The research conference agenda is a tight one and it is critical that presentations do not exceed the allotted time. If your presentation features more than one speaker, make sure to agree ahead of time how many minutes each of you will need, and work out a timekeeping strategy. Make use of the timekeeping cards in the session rooms.

Make Discussions Participatory: If you are presenting a Discussion session (aka “Topical Discussion”), focus on encouraging discussion on your topic. Ideally, these less formal sessions give participants the opportunity to
share and experience a range of perspectives.

Attention Poster Presenters

About the Poster Session: Each poster session, held in the Regency Ballrooms I, II, & III, will include about 30 poster presentations. You can expect that at least 200 people will attend the poster session, where you will have an opportunity to network with many attendees who will ask you questions about your work.

Preparing your Display: Your display should include the title of your presentation, in large letters (e.g., 1 inch tall or 72 point). The display should also include your name and affiliation, an abstract of your topic, your data or information (including charts, tables and graphs), and a summary or conclusion.

The Materials We Provide: Posters will be displayed on black presentation boards and a table will be provided for handouts. The boards measure 48 inches tall x 72 inches wide (i.e., 4 x 6 feet) and will be secured on easels. Thumb tacks will be provided for you to attach your display to the board. Please arrive at the Regency Ballroom at 6 pm to set up your display.

Standard Audio Visual Supplies and Special Requests

IMPORTANT: Each session room will include a laptop computer, an LCD projector, and screen. Flipcharts and markers are available only upon request. If you have other audio visual needs beyond those mentioned, we will do our best to accommodate you. Please email all special audio visual requests, including flipcharts and markers, no later than February 29, to Catherine Newman (see Contacts).


Conference Registration Questions

Marty Kledzik
(813) 974-4661

Sponsorship Opportunities and General Questions

Sandra Dwinell
(813) 974-0342