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Meet Our Keynote

Frances Dunn Butterfoss"Effecting community change requires collaborative work based on a deep understanding of how groups come together and maintain their capacity to work together. Fran Butterfoss is arguably the most experienced and informed individual in the country on community engagement and ongoing participation."
- Noreen M. Clark, Ph.D. Director, Center for Managing Chronic Disease, University of Michigan

Tuesday 10:45am - 12:15pm

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Session 29

Symposium: School-Based Mental Health: Some Current Perspectives
Epstein, Kutash
Chair: Duchnowski

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Session 30

Symposium: Early Childhood Systems of Care: What Have We Learned? What Are the Next Steps?
Kaufman, Whitson, Crusto, Berson
Chair: Kaufman
Discussant: Fisher

Download handouts: pdf (351kb) | pdf (339kb) | pdf (1.66MB)

Session 31

Symposium: Examination of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Two Populations of Children Receiving Mental Health Services
Stephens, Manteuffel, Gyamfi, Brooks, Gilford, Moore, Geng
Chair: Lichtenstein
Discussant: Walrath

Download handouts: pdf (298kb) | pdf (1016kb) | pdf (302kb) | pdf (499kb)

Session 32

Paper #1: Prevention Support System for the Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence-Based Preventon

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Paper #2: Managing Utilization of Out of Home Placement Using Statistical Process Control Methods
Endress, Curtis, Milch

Handouts not available for this presentation

Paper #3: State and Tribal Infrastructure to Monitor Early Identification, Referral and Follow-up of Youth at Risk for Suicide in Schools

Download handouts: pdf (303kb)

Session 33

Symposium: Creating Effective Child and Family Team Meetings: What Does the Research Say?
Hemphill, Kilmer, Haber
Chair: Cook
Discussant: Connell

Download handouts: pdf (879kb)

Paper: Community-Defined Protective Factors in Native American Youth
Gowen, Bandurraga, Friesen

Download handouts: pdf (315kb)

Session 34

Symposium: Financing Strategies that Support Effective Systems of Care: Study Findings and a Case Study
Armstrong, Pires, Stroul, Rotto, Van Deman
Chair: Armstrong
Discussant: Pires

Handouts not available for this presentation

Session 35

Paper #1: Clinical and Functional Outcomes for Ethnically/Racially Diverse Youth with Co-morbid Mental and Physical Illnesses
Laygo, Brandt, Hoppe-Cruz

Download handouts: pdf (344kb)

Paper #2: Prevalence of Co-Occuring Disorders among Adolescents Referred for Substance Abuse

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Paper #3: FFT in the Real World: Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes for Substance Using Adolescents

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