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Meet Our Keynote

Frances Dunn Butterfoss"Effecting community change requires collaborative work based on a deep understanding of how groups come together and maintain their capacity to work together. Fran Butterfoss is arguably the most experienced and informed individual in the country on community engagement and ongoing participation."
- Noreen M. Clark, Ph.D. Director, Center for Managing Chronic Disease, University of Michigan

Monday 10:15am - 11:45am

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Session 1

Symposium: Cultural Competence: Gains Made, Challenges Ahead
Chair: Cross
Discussant: Huang

Download handouts: pdf (949kb)

Session 2

Symposium: Research and System Change: Making It Real
Bickman, Sexton, Atkins
Chair: Stroul
Discussant: Slaton

Download handouts: pdf (1.76MB)

Session 3

Symposium: The State of Our National Data Infrastructure for Children’s Mental Health
Green, Ringeisen
Chair: Ringeisen
Discussant: Goldstrom, Pringle

Download handouts: pdf (525kb) | pdf (262kb)

Session 4

Symposium: Transition in Three Service Systems: Similarities and Differences
Wagner, Unruh, Geenen, Powers
Chair: Koroloff
Discussant: Heflinger

Download handouts: pdf (367kb) | pdf (369kb) | pdf (390kb)

Session 5

Paper #1: Mental Health Service Use Pathways of Former System Youth with Psychiatric Difficulties
Munson, Smalling, Kim

Download handouts: pdf (661kb)

Paper #2: Diagnostic and Medication Overload of Older Youth in Treatment Foster Care: Initial Findings of a Psychiatric Nurse Review
Narendorf, McMillen

Download handouts: pdf (412kb)

Paper #3: Integrated Co-Occurring Treatment for Adolescents: From Model Development to Implementation
Shepler, Hussey

Download handouts: pdf (299kb)

Session 6

Paper #1: How Do Medication Use, Prescribing Providers and Treatment Patterns Affect Clinical Outcomes among Children with Mental Health Challenges in System of Care Communities?
Drilea, Brooks, Fisher

Download handouts: pdf (285kb)

Paper #2: Trends in Psychoactive Medication Use among Children and Youth with Mental Health Challenges in Systems of Care: 1999-2008
Gebreselassie, Riehman, Fruh

Handouts not available for this presentation

Paper #3: Strategies for Using Psychopharmacology Data to Improve Quality of Care in Children's Mental Health: The Maine Experience
Yoe, Freeman, Tweed

Download handouts: pdf (363kb)

Session 7

Symposium: Community-Based Alternatives to PRTF

Download handouts: pdf (1.82MB)