Cultural Competence

Organizational Cultural Competence: A Review of Assessment Protocols

Organizational Cultural Competence: A Review of Assessment Protocols contributes to understanding how cultural competence is currently operationalized and measured at the organizational level. This monograph compares organizational assessment instruments through the following questions:

  • For what type of organization was the instrument developed?
  • How were the instruments developed?
  • How do the authors define cultural competence?
  • What domains do the authors use as categories of analysis?


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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature Review
    • Focus of Monograph
  3. Method
    • Protocol Selection
    • Analysis and Compilation of Domains
  4. Findings
    • Definitions of Cultural Competence
    • Categories for Assessing Organizational Cultural Competence
    • Identification of Common Domains
    • How Results are Measured or Given Meaning
  5. Conclusions
  6. References
  7. Appendices

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