Cultural Competence

Creating a Front Porch: Strategies for Improving Access to Mental Health Services

Creating a Front Porch: Strategies for Improving Access to Mental Health Services shares results of interviews conducted with personnel from selected organizations and focuses on key practices that were reported to increase accessibility of mental health services for underserved populations. It includes a description of each of the target populations served by the participating study sites, as well as information about the history and context of, and general service delivery information for each organization.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How We Identified Key Strategies
  3. Key Strategies Used to Increase Accessibility for Diverse Populations
    • History and Context of African American/Black Populations Served
    • Strategies Used to Increase Access for African American/Black Children and Families
  4. Increasing Accessibility for Asian and Pacific Islander Populations
    • History and Context of Asian and Pacific Islander Populations Served
    • Strategies Used to Increase Access for Asian and Pacific Islander Children and Families
  5. Increasing Accessibility for Latino Populations
    • History and Context of Latino Populations Served
    • Strategies Used to Increase Access for Latino Children and Families
  6. Increasing Accessibility for Native American Populations
    • History and Context of Native American Populations Served
    • Strategies Used to Increase Access for Native American Children and Families
  7. Tying It All Together
  8. References
  9. Appendix: Descriptions of Study Sites

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