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Presented at the 22nd Annual Research Conference

A Research Agenda for Protecting Children and Youth in Residential Care

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Session Number: 01 Room: Salon A-B

Presentation Type: symposium

Chair: Robert Friedman Discussant:

Synopsis: In recent years there has been increasing attention paid to the alarming problem of youth being placed in private (often for-profit) residential programs purporting to be providing effective treatment for emotional and behavioral problems but instead, all too often, offering severe discipline, inadequate treatment by ill-prepared staff, restricted contact with families, and emotional or physical abuse. Efforts to address this problem have been hindered by the absence of a strong research base describing the dimensions of the situation, and its impact on children, youth, and families. In this symposium, several members of the Alliance for the Safe, Therapeutic, and Appropriate Use of Residential Treatment (A START) will offer a framework for such research, and identify specific research questions that need to be addressed. The focus will be on newer, for-profit programs that serve youth from around the country rather than community-based non-profit residential programs.

Date: Monday, March 2, 2009

Session Time: 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM