Conference Handouts

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Presented at the 21st Annual Research Conference

Financing Strategies Related to Cultural and Linguistic Competence, Workforce Capacity, and Accountability

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Presenting: Ginny Wood

All Authors for this paper: Ginny Wood

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: The section focuses on Financing to improve cultural/linguistic competence and reduce disparities in care; Financing to improve the workforce and provider network; Financing for accountability. Systems of care require financing strategies that incorporate culturally and linguistically competent providers. Financing strategies are needed to support a diversified network of providers that is capable of providing the wide ranges of services and supports. Systems of care need reliable, practical data and accountability mechanisms in the provision of services to children and their families.

Financing Strategies Related to Realignment and Re-Direction of Resources

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Presenting: Beth Stroul; Mary Armstrong

All Authors for this paper: Beth Stroul; Mary Armstrong

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: This section focuses on Identifying spending and utilization patterns and Realigning funding streams and structures. Identification of current spending and utilization patterns is important in the development of a strategic financing plan for systems of care and enables systems to understand how funds are being spent and for which children and families. A strategic financing plan also “realigns” resources to develop effective and efficient approaches to financing the infrastructure and services that comprise systems of care.

Financing Strategies Related to Comprehensive, Customized Service Arrays and Family and Youth Partnership

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Presenting: Sheila Pires; Jan McCarthy

All Authors for this paper: Sheila Pires; Jan McCarthy

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: The section focuses on Financing appropriate services and supports and Financing to support family and youth partnerships. Financing strategies are needed to support services such as the incorporation of evidence-based practices, mental health services to young children, early identification and intervention, and service coordination across agencies and systems. Strategies are also needed to support partnerships with families and youth in planning and delivering their own care and at the system level in design, implementation, and evaluation.

Effective Financing Strategies for Systems of Care: Examples from the Field

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Session Number: 60 Room: Salon D

Presenting: Mary Armstrong

All Authors for this paper: Mary Armstrong

Presentation Type: brief symposium

Synopsis: This symposium discusses findings from the study, Financing Structures and Strategies to Support Effective Systems of Care. The study uses a case study design to test a conceptual theory regarding a hypothesized set of financing structures and strategies, and investigates and describes how these factors operate separately, collectively, and in the context of states and local communities to create effective financing policies for systems of care. Initial study tasks included convening a panel of financing experts, including state and county administrators, representatives of tribal organizations, providers, family members, and national financing consultants to develop a list of critical financing strategies and study questions. The critical financing strategies were used to create the first study product– a self-assessment tool, outlining seven important areas, to assist service systems or sites (states, tribes, territories, regions, counties, cities, communities, or organizations) to develop comprehensive and strategic financing plans for systems of care. This symposium discusses these seven areas, highlighting practical examples from states and communities engaging in promising practices in these areas, drawing on site visits to a select sample of states and communities.

Date: Monday, February 25, 2008

Session Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM