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Presented at the 20th Annual Research Conference

Relationships between School/Residential Transitions and Mental Health Functioning for Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance

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Session Number: 1000 Room: Salon E & F

Presenting: Monica Mitchell

All Authors for this paper: Monica Mitchell; La'Trice Montgomery; Sharon Foster; Mary DePaola; Lori Crosby; Matthew Ross

Presentation Type: poster presentation

Synopsis: Research suggests that children with high mobility rates (e.g. change in schools or guardianship) may have mental health problems. This presentation examines the relationship between school and residential transitions and general mental health functioning for diverse youth who participated in Project Wraparound, an individualized, community-based mental health program for youth. Despite similar mental health stressors and risk factors, Project Wraparound youth with stable school and residential placements showed greater improvement in mental health functioning scores than students who experienced residential or school transitions. Implications for future research with at-risk children and adolescents, including those who are highly transient, are provided.

Date: Sunday, March 4, 2007

Session Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM