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Presented at the 19th Annual Research Conference

Crisis Outreach for Children and Adolescents within a System of Care

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Session Number: 14 Room: Salon I

Presentation Type: symposium

Chair: Susan C. McLaughlin Discussant: Kamala D. Allen

Synopsis: One component of a system of care is that of emergency services. These services are extremely important because many youth enter the mental health service system at a point of crisis. This symposium will examine data and outcomes on innovative strategies to providing crisis intervention to children and adolescents. Grounded in the values and principles of systems of care, crisis outreach interventions in three communities will be discussed. Outcome data will be presented on the utilization of inpatient hospitalization versus community based treatment and the role of crisis intervention in diverting inpatient hospitalizations.

Date: Thursday, February 23, 2006

Session Time: 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Presentation Time: 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Children's Crisis Outreach Response System: Integrating System of Care Values to Improve Services

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Presenting: Susan McLaughlin; Kristin Grace

All Authors for this paper: Susan McLaughlin; Kristin Grace; Julie Eisengart; Stephanie Hanko; Toni Rosanski; Dessie Trohalides and

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: Multiple factors have led to a current crisis in children’s crisis services and inpatient diversion efforts in King County. In an effort to meet the changing demands of the child serving system, King County Mental Health, Chemical Abuse and Dependency Services Division (MHCADSD) redesigned its crisis intervention service system. The outcome of these efforts was the creation of a single, integrated, comprehensive system of crisis outreach response, stabilization intervention and transition to community supports. King County MHCADSD has also developed an ongoing quality assurance and improvement process that includes the collaborative efforts of local crisis providers, parents/foster parents, and administrative staff. Outcome data will be presented including a description of the population being served, service utilization, and hospital/inpatient diversion efforts.

Utilization of Information Management Decision Support Tools in Determining Improved Outcomes within New Jersey's Mobile Response and Stabilization Services Program

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Presenting: Andrea Connor; John Lyons

All Authors for this paper: Andrea Connor; John Lyons; Wyndee Davis; Deborah Fliller; Julie Caliwan

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: Children’s Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) System is designed to assist children and youth exhibiting escalating behavioral health needs to stabilize their behavior and maintain their current living arrangement. MRSS uses the Crisis Assessment Tool (CAT) as a standard assessment tool for measuring affected life domains of children with escalating emotional and behavioral health needs in four dimensions. The CAT establishes a measure for outcomes management. The present analyses are based on 2,170 children/youth’s affected behavioral health dimensions which were assessed upon initial presentation and completion of their 6-8 week stabilization management period. It is hypothesized that participation of children/youth and their families in a stabilization management period will result in improved behavioral health functioning across the four dimensions. In the present analyses, the changes on all four dimensions were statistically significant.

Is Community Stabilization as Effective as Hospitalization for Children with a Mental Health Crisis?

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Presenting: Neil Jordan

All Authors for this paper: Neil Jordan; Julie Eisengart; Stephanie Hanko; Toni Rosanski; Dessie Trohalides

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: This study retrospectively compares the outcomes of a natural sample of youth whose mental health crises were treated either in the hospital or in the community. Using data from Illinois’ crisis screening and assessment program, receiving intensive community services was associated with statistically significantly better outcomes than psychiatric hospitalization. In subgroup analysis, hospitalization was associated with statistically better outcomes for high risk children and youth (i.e., those predicted to be hospitalized) than community stabilization. These findings reinforce the value of risk assessment for children in crisis prior to making the decision to hospitalize.