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Presented at the 18th Annual Research Conference

Wraparound Fidelity and Team Composition, Meeting Characteristics, and Family and Child Outcomes

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Session Number: 2000 Room: Salon E & F

Presenting: Christine Davis; Keren Vergon; Norin Dollard

All Authors for this paper: Christine Davis; Keren Vergon; Norin Dollard

Presentation Type: poster presentation

Synopsis: This poster will report data from research measuring the association between adherence to wraparound principles by child and family teams and outcomes experienced by teams, children, and families; meeting characteristics; and team composition. Findings reveal statistically significant associations between wraparound fidelity and meeting length, age of youth, and the domains addressed in the plan of care. Teams are most successful in identifying community resources, addressing service barriers, including family and youth strengths and family voice, including other agency staff, using measurable objectives for outcome data, and being culturally competent. Teams struggle with incorporating families' cultures into more individualized plans, including informal supports, targeting goals at the level of need rather than at the level of services, tying strengths to goals, and maintaining a strengths-oriented meeting rather than a problem-solution orientation.

Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Session Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Presentation Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM