Conference Handouts

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Presented at the 18th Annual Research Conference

Functional Impairment Outcomes for Children Served by a School-Based Preventive Intervention

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Presenting: Scott Rosas

All Authors for this paper: Scott Rosas

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: This study reports the functional impairment outcomes as measured by the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale for 569 children served in a school-based preventive mental health intervention. A cluster analysis using the School, Home, Behavior Towards Others, and Moods/Emotions subscales identified 4 subgroups: School Problems, Pervasive Problems with Mood, School and Home Problems, and Mild Behavior/Mood Problems. Outcome was assessed for the overall sample and for each cluster using three criteria. Results indicated the overall sample achieved successful outcomes using all three criteria. Varying levels of success across clusters on outcome criteria were found.

The Child and Adolecent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS), Multi-Sytemic Therapy (MST), and Safe Schools Healthy Students: Resilience in Action

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Presenting: Jane Timmons-Mitchell

All Authors for this paper: Jane Timmons-Mitchell; David Hussey; Laura Buckeye; Kate Usaj; Clare Mitchell

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: The CAFAS was used to assess outcome for youth who received MST as part of a Safe Schools Healthy Students initiative. MST is the anchor for a continuum of services ranging from primary prevention through tertiary intervention. Outcome date on the first 28 youth discharged revealed significant improvement in the youths' functioning. An issue in expanding MST within schools has been whether the severity of youth referred justifies a treatment option as intensive as MST. Using the CAFAS to assess initial level of functioning, the findings for the 52 youths referred this year suggests that MST was an appropriate intervention.

Partnering with Caregivers to Improve Parenting Skills within a Child Welfare Setting

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Presenting: Barbara Hull

All Authors for this paper: Barbara Hull

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: This presentation describes the interventions and outcome monitoring used in a front-line child welfare agency serving post-reunification (Aftercare) families. Preliminary data on the Advanced Child Management Skills Scale and the Caregiver Wish List, two strengths-based tools for assessing caregiver skills, will be presented. The aim of both the intervention and the assessment measures is to enhance engagement, facilitate development of client-driven goals, and support implementation of strengths-based skills building interventions, resulting in improved functioning in the children and caregivers.

Preventing Penetration of Truant Youth into the Juvenile Justice System Via Community-Based Screening Procedures

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Presenting: Cynthia Smith

All Authors for this paper: Cynthia Smith

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: Chronic school truancy is a significant factor for juvenile justice youth. Erase Truancy is a collaborative program via the Detroit School System, Wayne County Prosecutor's Office, the Third Circuit Court, and the Juvenile Assessment Center to prevent truant youth from entering the juvenile system through assessed service provision. In this program, at the initial Prosecutor appointment, each youth and family is administered a brief interview, the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) Screener. Families are then connected to community resources or, if indicated, referred for more thorough assessment and linked to more intensive services.

Encouraging Resilience with Family-Centered, Strengths-Based Skill Building: A Training Program for Clinicians

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Presenting: Shari Goldman; Mary McLeod; Bobette Schrandt; Marion Forgatch; Nancy Knutson

All Authors for this paper: Shari Goldman; Mary McLeod; Bobette Schrandt; Marion Forgatch; Nancy Knutson

Presentation Type: element of symposium

Synopsis: Implementation of an evidence-based treatment aimed at fostering resiliency in disadvantaged families is described. Mental health clinicians are participating in a Parent Management Training program developed at Oregon Social Learning Center (PMTO), in which they receive didactic instruction and extensive feedback on skill development via review of videotapes and group consultation sessions. The presentation will include a description of the training program, the measures and procedures used to assess treatment fidelity, and procedures planned to maintain fidelity after training.

Presentation Time: 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Promoting Resiliency in Families: Innovative Programs in Schools, Courts, Child Welfare & Mental Health

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Session Number: 54 Room: Salon H

Presenting: Kay Hodges; John Landsverk

All Authors for this paper: Kay Hodges; John Landsverk

Presentation Type: brief symposium

Synopsis: Each presentation describes programs aimed at promoting resilience in youths and their caregivers as well as the innovative measures that are being used across child serving agencies. A child welfare agency will describe how they use a strengths-based measure, the Advanced Child Management Skills Scale for the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS), to enhance therapeutic alliance with abusive and neglectful caregivers who are receiving parent management training after being reunited with their children. A court-sponsored program developed for caregivers who have truant youths will be described. The CAFAS Screener is used to match the youth's and family's needs to available community resources. The procedures for establishing and monitoring fidelity for a parent management training program developed at the Oregon Social Learning Center will be described. The PMT program is being implemented in a mental health clinic for low income families. Two school-based interventions, along with their outcome data, will be described. One is a prevention program for elementary school children and the other is implementation of multi-systemic therapy (MST) within the school.

Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Session Time: 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM