Conference Handouts

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Presented at the 17th Annual Research Conference

The Impact of Multisystemic Therapy on Children Within a System of Care

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Session Number: 44 Room: Salon B

Presenting: Mark DeKraai

All Authors for this paper: Mark DeKraai; Stacey Hoffman; Yolanda Dillion; Beth Baxter; Ann Tvrdik

Presentation Type: paper presentation

Synopsis: A number of approaches to treating children with serious emotional disorders focus on systems of care models and the wraparound approach. Previous research on Multisystemic Therapy (MST) does not included analyses of MST within the context of a system of care/wraparound approach. Data from the Nebraska Family Central Project allow analysis of the effectiveness of MST within the context of the wraparound approach. Our analysis indicates that children with serious emotional disorders experience a decrease in negative behaviors and an increase in positive behaviors. This potentially supports the use of MST within the context of a system of care approach.

Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Session Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Presentation Time: 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM