Annual Research Conference

Profile: Holly Echo-Hawk Solie

Holly Echo-Hawk is the founder of Echo-Hawk & Associates, an organizational behavior and management consulting company specializing in the field of children’s mental health. A prior administrator of children’s programs for the past twenty years, Holly has served as the executive director of several child and family organizations in California and Washington state and was responsible for services ranging from therapeutic group care and wrap-around services for child sex offenders to leadership development for minority youth. Her experience in programmatically recognizing and responding to the special strengths and needs of SED children, youth and their families runs deep. A Native American with both rural and urban experiences, Holly brings unique insight into the disparities of mental health access for ethnic minority families.

Following studies at the University of Oklahoma and the University of Texas in Austin, Holly earned her master’s degree in organizational behavior at the California School of Professional Psychology in Berkeley. In addition to serving as one of the authors for the tribal system of care monographs, Holly recently completed a decade as a three-time governor appointed trustee of Clark College in Washington state.

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